概要:PJ Ver1.0.9は、Ver1.0.8をベースに、ETS2 Ver1.47対応、および一部修正、追加を行った物です。


Important Notice

This version still has some problems regarding road signs.
Letters on signs might overlap or not display correctly.
This is a known issue, and there is no need for a bug report.

Regarding the Add-On Mods:
Only use ONE of A1.PJ_addon_hotdog_acc or A1.pj_accessory. Using both add-ons at once may cause issues.


- 6 Map DLCs: Going East!, Scandinavia, Vive La France!,
Italia, Beyond the Baltic Sea, Road to the Black Sea

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: DLC-1-1024x319.jpg

PJ1.0.9では、IBERIA DLCが未導入でもプレイ可能です。

How to install

Please read the included Readme, as it contains a installation guide.

We also have an in-depth Installation Guide here on our Website, if you are not yet familiar with mods on ETS2.
This also includes a step-by-step video of the installation.

Installation Guide Page (Japanese Text only)

Changes in this Version内容



糸魚川 真島建設
富山  ダイワハウス
富山  ZERO
富山  大阪屋
金沢  ヤマト
金沢  全農 
飛騨  佃製作所
高山  ダイワハウス
高山  佐川
高山  飛騨高山森林組合
高山  福山通運
松本  住友林業
西宮  鴻池組
金沢  全農
白川  雪印メグミルク


・PJ本体、及びAddOnのETS2 1.47への対応
- fixed various bugs

About Super Hard Company:
Super Hard Company is a Mod that is included in our official download.
This Mod increases the difficulty of parking quite significantly by adding obstacles close to the parking spot and
narrowing the space you have available there. It also alters navigation data in some instances, so that you cannot
fully rely on your navigation system!


Ver 1.0.9 SharemodsUploaded by Project Japan



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